Touted as the Boy Soprano, the Toronto-born Breen starred in seven b musicals for RKO from 1936 to 1939, entertaining Depression-era audiences.
In 1942, the then 15 year old was embarassed after hearing his Mickey Mouse-like speaking voice in Johnny Doughboy and quit the movie business. He tried to revitalize his career with a nightclub act. It was moderately successful and got him several TV guest shots into the early ’60s.
He then hosted a local TV show in New York City and was briefly signed to Motown Records in 1964 (his album was unreleased).
He tried to revitalize his career with a nightclub act. It was moderately successful and got him several TV guest shots into the early ’60s.
He then hosted a local TV show in New York City and was briefly signed to Motown Records in 1964 (his album was unreleased).
After marrying three times, Breen is currently living in Tamarac, Florida. He is the owner and operator of Bobby Breen Enterprises, a local talent agency.
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Sorry to hear that you have passed…. Enjoyed the Bobby..his voice …all of my 80 years.. You always set an example for the youth.. Sleep well…
Will visit your site as time passes..
Thank you..
and is famously on the cover of the Beatles legendary Sgt Peppers album cover in place of Elvis (see #10)
I am an 85 years old senior and I still remember going to see his movies in the 30’s for 10cents. You had just a wonderul singing voice that I enjoyed very much. Glad to hear that you are still around. I watch TCM a lot on TV hoping that they would show some of old movies of the past, I have not yet seen any one of them. Where could I purchase of the old movies on DVD.?
I remember going to our village hall and seeing your film with the donkey. I remember we saw it lots of times it was our favourite film.When I was about 17 You came to Northampton New Theatre when you sang a song with your record of your child voice.It was wonderful I have never forgotten the thrill that was.
What a joy it was to find your voice on You Tube I first saw Rainbow on the River in a cinema in Belfast when I was 8 years old but I have never forgotten what a beautiful sound your voice made.I hope you are in good health and still enjoy the memories of your singing and films. Good luck and good health.
I watched Bobby Breen movies when I was very small many years ago. Now I have your movies which I enjoy very much. I thank him for sharing his great gift with the world.
My first time seeing a Bobby Breen’s movie and seeing Bobby Breen was just now in one of his films : “Breaking The Ice.” I really enjoyed the movie and Bobby’s performance. I am so glad many of his works are preserved and plan to watch as many as I can find. Now Bobby is 88 years old and I just want to say, “Thank you for all of the joy that you bring through your earlier works and putting smiles on millions of faces. I wish you good health and happiness. God bless.”
Master Magician Samuel Luther Hodges, Jr. aka : Sam Sink, aka Luther.
I can not ever forget the time you sang to my Bubby in my family’s store. She was nearly blind, but loved your (radio) singing. After you sang, she said, young man you have a beautiful voice, but not like Bobby Breen. There was silence and you leaned down and kissed her. My buddies and I spent time with you on both trips to N.O.and we all had fun watching you perform on Bourbon St.
I now live in Dallas (Plano) due to Katrina.Say hello if you will.
Merv Ginsburg
I loved your movies. My father had a music library in Newark New Jersey and shoed “Make A Wish” in our basement. It was 1945, I was six — and you were my first crush. I actually met you briefing when you officiated at my best friends’ almost 50 years ago at a Miami Beach Hotel — Peter and Fran Whitman. I wanted to tell you that evening how much your beautiful voice and the songs you sang so influenced my early life.
Now that I’ve found your musicals on-line the remembrance of my childhood’s delight return. Thank you. Phyllis Ann Gruber
I am a harmonica collector and recently found a Bobby Breen harmonica in a box.I am the editor of the “Trumpet Call” a quarterly newsletter for harmonica collectors. We have about 60 members. I would like to do an article on you and include a photo of the harmonica.Would that be OK with you?
I will send you a a copy on the newsletter.Can you send me a email to confirm? Regards Harland Crain
He changed his name to Bobby Green. He became a lay preacher. I met him in Jakarta, Indonesia, in about 2006. He was preaching there in my friend’s church, of which I am not a member. I was a fan of his movies, including “Hawaii calls”
Just watched the movie Way down South of course,with Bobby Breen. Never heard of him before, as I am much younger but love old movies. To you Mr. Breen and all of you who have posted, what a wonderful time it must have been back then. Thank you all for sharing.
2 things I remember about Bobby Breen in addition to his being a child star: 1) that we were in the Mr. French’s algebra class at Beverly Hills High School
together, and 2) that we shared the same November 4th birthday.
Ditto to earlier comments, pleased to hear Mr. Been is with us. Huge fan of 30s films in spite of being under 60. Many quality scripts and casts than contemporary efforts. Thank you for your contribution to film and television. God bless
An Aussie Fan
What is “Johnny Doughboy” that Breen was upset about. Very vague the text
I don’t know how to do this. I first saw your movies in the mid 50s I was around 16-17 at the time I’m now 76 living in Lakeland… I’m sorry but when I heard of your fate with your voice, I have always compared you with Al Jolson.. I think you could have been, let me say you were right up there with Al. Just wished there were more recordings to listen to. I have 3 of your movies.. Thanks for sharing your life & voice with all of us who care to listen..
I am 82 years old and I can remember going to my church who would let us see your films. I never was allowed to go to the theatre. Your song Rainbow on the River was sung was sung over and over as a child. Thank you for giving me such joy. Tonite I looked you up on the internet. Just out of the clear blue.
I use to shoot videos for Bobby Breen. Signed VJ Betterly (VJ VIDEOS)
well my name is osnay and I know where Bobby breen stay I see him almost everyday,I’m his server
Hi Bobby, My dad, Clarence McGinn was your tutor during 1935-36. He went to Hawaii with you when you made “Hawaii Calls”. He really enjoyed teaching you. Of course, all my family saw all your movies. You had a beautiful voice.
Dear Mr. Breen. I remember my mother, who is now 89 and her sisters, who are all gone now, talk about you all the time when I was a child growing up in the 50’s, I’m now 68. Later in life, I bought all of your movies and really enjoyed them all. When showing them to my mother, it brought back many wonderful memories to her. Today, thanks to You Tube, I can even hear your early success on the Eddie Cantor radio show and the duets you sang with the beautiful Deanna Durbin who sadly passed away last year at the age of 91. I also would have like to hear your unreleased album with Motown, but I guess that is not to be. Thanks for the wonderful memories and I wish you the best of health.
Hello Mr. Breen….
I am so glad that I can tell you that I had the pleasure of hearing you sing in Toronto
In the early 70’s…
The first memory of you is singing”Rainbow on the River” my heart just soared….
I probably was in my early teens….
Thanks to my IPad I can go back and hear you….my heart still sings with you.
God Bless Mr. Breen
I always remember your rendition of “Rainbow on the river” before WW2. You and your voice were part of my early childhood days.
It looks like his talent agency has since closed. I am currently writing an article on Bobby Breen and would love to get more details of his later years.
Bobby: I missed hearing from you during Christmas holidays. Hope you are doing well. At 88 and 90, our lives are very different. Marilyn Knowlden and I talk frequently – often about you. Loving wishes from both of us. Old memories came up when Shirley Temple died. The 1930’s were very special for many of us.
My mom,age 89, just reminded me of a story of my aunt’s second husband who flew Mr. Breen up to my Grandfather’s cottage in the northern woods of Wisconsin as part of a publicity stunt in the 40s or 50s. We can’t find any articles on the ‘missing’ star, but it always has been a story in our family. Good to hear Bobby Breen is alive and well.
I used to go to the convent as a young girl ,Sunday night was our movie nights .I didn’t go every Sunday but when they told me it was Bobby Breen ,I wouldn’t miss it for the world .I think all through my life music always made me feel better and that started on a Sunday night at the convent .I am now 68 and I still love to hear you sing . Thank you
Dear Bobby,
You and I met thru your Aunt Bertha who was also the aunt to my sister’s husband, Bob Klein. You took me to NY with you to the Brill Agency because you were booked at the Palladium and needed to sail to London, but your visa had problems. We didn’t see one another again, but I am glad to know that you did well and are “booked” doing good things. Love, Ruth
my e-mail address is:
Hi Bobby,
I’m 84 and in Australia, where we loved your records and movies. My wife and I just played some of your songs on U-tube, which brought back joyful memories.
So glad to be still able to say ‘Hello’ and a big ‘Thank you’.
HI-Ho Bobby; we sang together a private home in North London way back in the 1950’s just before I emigrated to Australia. I was at the piano and with the now late Morry Poster we enjoyed your company. You are still two years older than me, and I wish you well.
A useful contact is…
Mr. Breen, as a teenager, I watched all of your movies and so loved your voice. Over the years I often wondered whatever happened to you. Do you still sing? I loved your voice.
So happy to hear you are still on this side of the grass. I am too at age 73
Mr. Bobby Breen, you are a special person. My mother, Jacqueline Edgell spoke often of your beautiful voice and was such a fan. One of the greatest highlights of her life was when you called her a few years ago and spoke to her,
as she struggled with illness. She has taken her place with God now and I will never forget your kindness. May you always be blessed.
Cool saw all his movies –and met him in Atlantic City when he play the 500
Once again I thought of Bobby Breen and looked on the internet this time.
Sure enough, here he is. So glad that he is still with us and living right here in Florida. I remember that I saw all his movies and wondered for a very long time why he wasn’t in pictures anymore. Now I know. Thank you so much, whoever you are, for posting this website. I’ll like at the site further to see if it mentions who is responsible for the knowledge I have today gained. Thanks again. Gloria
i often wondered what bobby looked like in his older years. i am 83 and have some copies of his a boy i had a high voice and used to sing some of his songs.but i got stage fright looking in a mirror and could never sing in front of anyone.i am still enjoying his pictures and wonderful voice.but would like to see him grown up.
Hi Mr. Bobby Breen
What a coincidence when I decided to go and try to see what they say about you and your career. I’m myself 78 and the memories of those days when I was younger to go and pay $0.10 to see you in the church basement.
What a good time we had and how happy we were to see your movies.
I spend six months in Florida every year for the past 30 and I understand that you are not too far from my home. The favor I’m asking today is to let me know how and where I can order ALL your movies; It would just be a treat to see again and to show my kids and my 7 grandchildren as well.
I hope to hear from someone who will let me know what to do – NOW –
Thank you very much – Solange
I was at a coffee store in Elliot Lake Ontario and the name is “Breen’s Coffee”. I’m 81 and I remembered how the young teenage girls used to go crasy when they heard Bobby Breen sing. Thanks to “gloria” for bringing out this song….AWSOME!!
some body sent me an e mail and triggered the its a sin to tell a lie so i did a search and vaguely remember some one long ago telling me you had sang to me tho i cant remember when or where i mstill in love with your voice