Jessie in TV Movie “Sooner or Later”
She starred with Rex Smith in this 1979 made for TV movie called Sooner or Later. She later went on to star in Charles in Charge and Platypus Man. Now it seems like she’s vanished into thin air. Is she deceased? Married? Ill? She was a talented young actress.
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Nice to know she is ok. I relived the TV movie of her’s Sooner or Later with Rex Smith. I also remember her on Fish and Archie Bunker’s place. I remember the date, it was March 25, 1979.
Cheryl Fryfield
Vancouver, Canada.
She should get together with Rex Smith and do another movie as the two got older. So many people would LOVE to see it.
I saw the movie sooner or later one time on HBO but cannot remember the date. I really enjoy watching it and tried to remember the name and date of the movie.
But where is Denice Miller now ? I hope she is alright and doing fine. My thoughts and prayers are with her.
I have a radio show and would love to have actress Denise Miller on as a guest. I am I’ve searched everywhere for contact info. to no avail. If anyone has cintact info. please let me know. Thank you.
Arthur ******* what a credit to your tribe.
Arthur *******.
Is she doing commercials recently? Does she have a webpage or facebook site?
Denise Miler is one of most beautiful people and most talented I have ever seen. Wish I could meet someone as stunning as her.
Arthur you are a complete idiot….
Glade to hear it I wish she was in more movies
Denise Miller is doing great. She just left my apartment. She spent the whole night with me. We screwed the entire night. She took my breath away.
Alive & well and doing commercials and voice-overs & an occasional film (April’s Shower).
she still around:)Denise Miller (born July 17, 1963 in Brooklyn, New York) is an American actress who appeared in Archie Bunker’s Place (as Billie Bunker starting in 1981), Fish, and the movie Sooner or Later.
Denise can also be seen in episodes of Charles in Charge and Barney Miller; she played Tina Manucci on the 1970s sitcom Makin’ It.
After 9/11, a rumor spread that Miller had been killed in the World Trade Center but was disproven.
She is not dead I am a cousin