As with many other boy-actors in the London area, he was cast in the stage production of Oliver! and joined with hundreds of other castmates at the audition for the film. Jack won the plum role The Artful Dodger, and was nominated for an Academy Award for his efforts. At the Hollywood premiere of “Oliver,” Jack was introduced to puppeteers Sid and Marty Krofft, who decided that Jack would be the perfect young actor to play the lead in their upcoming saturday-morning kids program, H.R. Puf n’ Stuf. Jack and his brother left London for the US, and moved in with Marty Krofft and his family while they filmed 17 episodes of the series plus a feature film based on the show. A true sensation, 15-year-old Jack Wild became the darling of the teen magazines with a profitable recording contract and active career in films, incluing a starring role Alan Parker’s first film, Melody
After a few years, Jack faded from the limelight, and as with many of his idol cohorts fell in to several years of obscurity, depression and alcohol abuse. [He also became diabetic -webmaster] Now clean and sober, Jack is seeking a comeback as an actor. He has appeared n several productions in the past few years, including a role in Robin Hood: Prince of Theives and a more recent part in a London stage adaptation of The Wizard of Oz(as the Cowardly Lion). He is currently working on his autobiography and has also been soliciting a script treatment of a sequel to “Oliver.” Update Oct 2004: Had his tongue and voicebox surgically removed due to cancer. (update courtesy Charlene Friendhop)Update March 3, 2006 I’m on the road with limited net access but apparently Jack Wild has passed away, on March 1st, 2006 of oral cancer.
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I remember when Jack Wild graced the pages of 16 and Tiger Beat. So sad that his life took a tragic turn and he lost his life to cancer. RIP