Canadians Sale & Pelletier became instant celebrities when their Silver medal performance at the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympicstouched off a judging controversy. Many people felt Sale & Pelletiershould have won the Gold and there were charges of vote buying. This story was jumped on my the American media and soon Sale & Pelletier were appearing on CNN, CBS, Good Morning America, The Tonight Show, Larry King Live, and did hundreds of other interviews. Eventually they were awarded the Gold medal after a week-long delay. Jamie Sale was born in Calgary, Alberta and David Pelletierin Sayabec, Quebec. They both started skating at the age of 3 and went through different partners before getting together in 1998. They went on to become Canadian Champions from 2000-2002 and won the World Championships in 2001.
After the Olympics Sale & Pelletier turned professional and signed a four year contract to go on tour with Stars On Ice. Sale and Pelletiergot married in Banff, Alberta on Dec 30, 2005. When not on tour they reside in Red Deer, Alberta.
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Now divorce, Jamie Sale is married to former Edmonton Oiler Craig Simpson, who divorced his wife. Sale and Simpson met while pairing up for a skating reality show of CBC.