Jessica Hahn

Jessica Hahn

Real Name: Jessica Hahn
Category: Sex and Scandal
Submitted by: Bob Sacamano
Posted Date: 2001-03-24
Last Modified: 2020-01-13

Jessica Hahn was the dish televangilist Jim Bakker was found to be having an affair with in 1987. Hahn’s star rose as Bakker’s house of cards crumbled, being outed on the affair just prior to being hit with conspiracy and wire fraud charges. Bakker went to prison (45 years later reduced to 8), Hahn went on the cover of Playboy magazine and a brief soft-porn/pinup career.

What happened to:

She’s made an appearence or two on The Howard Stern Show and apparently married the creator of “Married With Children” on which she’s done a cameo. She resides in Beverley Hills and owns a condo in West Hollywood. Her main calling in life these days seems to be as search engine keywords in meta tags of online porno sites.

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Jessica Hahn
