The Barbi Twins

Identical twin sisters who became pin-up and calendar girl sensations in the mid-90’s after appearing on two best-selling covers of Playboy Magazine

Identical twin sisters who became pin-up and calendar girl sensations in the mid-90’s after appearing on two best-selling covers of Playboy Magazine
Hosted the show Lifestyles of The Rich & Famous where he basically cooed and fawned over the jet set and wished all his simpleton viewers “champagne wishes and caviar dreams”.
This tragic case of an accidental overdose resulted in the national controversy regarding the “right to die”. In 1974 the New Jersey Supreme Court tackled this issue under the eyes of a nation. All the while young Karen Ann Quinlan lay comatose on a respirator while her distraught parents fought the law and tabloid sensationalism […]
Master of Ceremonies at the Woodstock Music Festival of 1969
The worlds’ first test tube baby.
A companion of Salvador Dali for five years through whom she met Andy Warhol and became one of his creations.
Very hysterical syndicated cartoon series in the late 80’s and early 90’s. You either “got them” or you didn’t. Most people did. Don’t forget your duck and objects in the mirror are closer than they appear…
On October 14, 1987, at age 18 months she fell into a well in Midland, Texas and was the central news story the world over as rescuers worked feverishly for 3 days before she was safely retrieved from the well.
John Gilchrest was the cute kid in the Life cereal commercial that had those chubby widdle cheeks everyone found more adorable than Hammy Hamster. Jokes abound (“Didja hear that kid ‘Hey Mikey!’ died? Yeah, he lost his Life! arr arr arr”) There is also a variation of an urban legend that says he died after […]