He Likes It! Hey Mikey!

He Likes It! Hey Mikey!

Real Name: John Gilchrest
A.k.a: He Likes It! Hey Mikey!
Category: Pop Culture
Submitted by: Bob Sacamano
Posted Date: 2001-04-12
Last Modified: 2020-01-11

John Gilchrest was the cute kid in the Life cereal commercial that had those chubby widdle cheeks everyone found more adorable than Hammy Hamster.

Jokes abound (“Didja hear that kid ‘Hey Mikey!’ died? Yeah, he lost his Life! arr arr arr”)

There is also a variation of an urban legend that says he died after his stomache exploded from eating Pop Rocks while drinking Coke.

What happened to: He Likes It! Hey Mikey!

.he didn’t. He was last seen working as a radio advertising executive in NYC

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He Likes It! Hey Mikey!
