One of Charlie Manson’s “girls” convicted for the infamous Tate-LaBianca murders of the summer of 1969. “Sexy Sadie” bragged of actually killing Sharon Tate to her cellmates and initially testified before the grand jury before recanting her testimony out of loyalty to Charlie! She and all of her co-defendents were found guily and sentenced to death in 1971. California law abolished the death penalty in 1972. Immediately commuting all death sentences to life imprisonment.
Susan renounced her devotion to Charlie Manson and became a born-again Christian in 1975. She has since then earned a college degree and penned an authobiography “Child of Satan,Child of God” in 1977. Despite her persistently model behavior and christian character she has been denied parole consistently and remains incarcerated at the California Institue for Women. Her ministry has a website “the Dove’s Nest” which features opportunities for prison correspondence with Susan.
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Susan Atkins aka Sexy Sadie died on September 24, 2009, at the Central California Women’s facility in Chowchilla, California. She died of natural causes, said Gordon Hinkle, a spokesman for the California Department of Corrections. Atkins was the longest-incarcerated female inmate in the California penal system, having been denied parole 18 times for her role in the Sharon Tate murders in 1969.
Source: NY Times:,2933,555320,00.html?loomia_ow=t0:s0:a4:g4:r5:c0.000000:b0:z5
Susan Atkins was transferred to a skilled nursing unit of the Central California Women’s Facility in Chowchilla.
She is reportedly in “stable” condition but is currently paralyzed, unresponsive, and receiving only pallative care. She was “given” three months to live last july!
Susan Atkins Whitehouse was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer in March of 2008. She is currently paralyzed on her right side,unable to speak coherently and has had her left leg amputated.
Although denied a “compassionate release” from prison she remains hospitalized in the intensive care unit of the Riverside Regional Medical Center.
She is guarded 24 hours a day by 2 prison guards supplied by the California Institute for Women.
She has been “given” less than 3 months to live.