The Beaver

Childhood star of “Leave it to Beaver”. Need I say more? Didn’t think so.

Childhood star of “Leave it to Beaver”. Need I say more? Didn’t think so.
Toss up between Wesley Crusher from Star Trek the Next Generation or his role in Stand By Me.
He was the start of a YACK sitcom (Yet-Another-Cute-Kid – hey, I just invented that acronym…) by the same title, which ran from 1983-1989.
Tina Yothers played the cute and cuddly younger sister Jennifer Keaton on Family Ties until puberty turned her into a big, beefy beast and the show was cancelled.
During his television heyday, Willie Aames was the poster boy for high Hollywood living. From drugs (“It was everything: Quaaludes, mushrooms, cocaine, pot, alcohol, black beauties”) to sex (“I was the one who introduced Scott Baio to the Playboy mansion”), the actor — who got his break as dreamboat Tommy Bradford on Eight Is Enough […]
Lisa Whelchel is best know as the snooty rich chick Blair Warner on “Facts of Life”.
That little runt on the show Lassy..(not the dog, the other one…”Timmy”.)