Amy Fisher

The 16 year-old minor (dubbed by the press as The Long Island Lolita) who had an affair with Joey Buttafuco and then shot his wife in the head, receiving a 6 year prison term for her troubles.

The 16 year-old minor (dubbed by the press as The Long Island Lolita) who had an affair with Joey Buttafuco and then shot his wife in the head, receiving a 6 year prison term for her troubles.
She was a porn star who elicited trading tips from some Wall St. schmuck who gave her inside information to get in her pants. She made about $170,000 USD on the illegal trades she made as a result.
Traci Lords was a teenage runaway who wound up in porn, making as many as 100 x-rated movies before it surfaced that she was underage. It was suddenly illegal for the entire adult industry to sell, rent or distribute any of her movies, and she was quickly ostracized from the industry.
Monica Lewinsky had a torrid affair with a sitting president. First he denied it, then he admitted it. Except even though she performed fellatio on him, it wasn’t sex, apparently.
Jessica Hahn was the dish televangilist Jim Bakker was found to be having an affair with in 1987. Hahn’s star rose as Bakker’s house of cards crumbled, being outed on the affair just prior to being hit with conspiracy and wire fraud charges. Bakker went to prison (45 years later reduced to 8), Hahn went […]